Thursday, June 07, 2018

Emperor Trump

Oh my, I think Trump is taking a page from Palpatine's playbook!😅

Here are some similarities:
1. Palpatine used trade (or rather, the Trade Federation) as an issue to draw people to his side. Trump is using trade as a central issue for his actions.
2. Palpatine used differences (those systems separating from the Galactic Republic due to differing opinions) as a way to manipulate the Galactic Senate into letting him do what he wants. Trump is using divisions in the country to manipulate Congress into doing the same.
3. Palpatine built an army of the republic against an implied threat (which was planted by Palpatine in the first place). Trump has increased spending to beef up the military against threats he conceived in his mind, or created due to his rhetorics.

Palpatine consolidated his power through the Clone Wars. It seems that Trump is trying to do the same: have a war to consolidate his power. That may explain why he has been taking such extreme measures to provoke regions of instability: pulling out of the Iran deal, shifting the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, and calling Kim Jong Un various names. While he seems to be making peace with Kim, that is likely only on the surface. He is probably quite sure the talks won't work out, then he gets to declare war on Kim for playing the United States. Or he may just fight Canada or Mexico for retaliating against his tariffs.

And once Trump has his war? He can be like Palpatine, and get the Galactic Senate (or the U.S. Congress, in this case) to make him emperor.

All hail Emperor Trump and the United Empire! 😱

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