Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Undoing Obama deals

Trump abandons 'defective' Iran nuclear deal, to revive sanctions

Just great.

He had until 2025 to renegotiate whatever he didn't like with the deal, but he decided to just throw it out of the window. That's not negotiation; that's giving up. That's what a loser does. Losers give up.

Undoing everything Obama did may be politically beneficial, but that does not mean it is the right thing to do.

Nations continue to stay in the Paris Accord. Nations continue to go ahead with TPP. It seems Iran intends to continue with JCPOA, and since there is no replacement anyway, other signatories are likely to stick with it too.

All it does is show that the U.S. can do what it wants, but the world no longer is at the beck and call of the U.S. It is no longer the Cold War, when you were either with or against the U.S. I just hope Trump will eventually realize this, before the U.S. gets left even further behind from the global community.

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