Monday, January 08, 2018

The failure of U.S. news

I think this interview of Stephen Miller by Jake Tapper is a good example of the U.S. media being led by the nose by the current administration in the White House.

The media is so caught up in everything the President does and says, they have lost sight of the bigger picture, which is to give a voice to the people. Instead, they are basically helping to spread the President's words, by constantly reporting what he does and says, and trying to refute those actions and words. By giving extensive coverage to the President's statements, they are helping to spread some false statements, and making themselves fake news.

I think the media should really reflect on themselves, and find a way not to overly focus on the President (which inevitably helps to spread his words) and instead report on issues that really matter, that helps to give a voice to the people. A child lies to get attention; don't be drawn into that trap. Focus on the real issues. Don't give him the attention that he seeks. Keep talking about the real issues to be resolved, and force him to work on those instead if he wants attention. The media can help to focus the TV-watching guy on the real issues. If he wants attention, make him earn it. Report on him only when he does something right, or something wrong. Don't give him air time whenever he blabbers off; blabbering off is not work, it is just his way of getting attention.

Report on the real issues, and make people see that he is not doing anything about them. That is the best way to wake up the public. And when the public is awaken, democracy will become effective.

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