Saturday, December 09, 2017

Bad buzz is better than no buzz

I think it is about TV coverage.

The media is going to cover news. But the truth is, there isn't really a lot to cover; good things take time to happen. So the way to get media coverage is to create your own stories for the media to pick up. Talk and talk, and the media will be forced to check and check, and point out what is not true. But the effect is, you get air time. Whether they are showing the fake stuff being said, or pointing out the fake stuff, the end result is the fake stuff gets shown on TV, gets printed in the news.

And that's what is important. Because once something gets covered by the media, it reaches a wider audience. Bad buzz is better than no buzz. And sometimes, even the worst of buzz can get the right supporters if it reaches the right audience. And the media offers that kind of reach. It is the media that is inadvertently helping to spread that support.

The simple way to deal with a liar seeking attention is this. When he tells the truth, print it on the front page. When he does something that benefits people, print it on the front page. When he tells lies, print them in a small corner hidden deep in the papers. Just say "he said this, but the truth is this." Short and simple. Call him out, but don't go after him. Because going after him gives him more coverage than he deserves.

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