Friday, January 20, 2017

A common set of experiences

For an education or training institution to be truly great, it must create a set of common experiences that spans generations. So that every generation that passes through the institution has a common set of experiences that they can relate to, which binds them to graduates before and after them, and not just those from the same batch.

This is the binding glue that makes an institution beyond networking with the people who attended it with you. The same common set of experiences allows you to connect with those before and after, greatly expanding the network that you can build beyond your own batch.

And this is what makes a great education/training institution. Because it now is just a place of learning, but a place where you can build strong ties with not just those who attend the course with you, but with all those who have gone before you, and all those who will come after you.

That is the true power of an alumni.

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