Thursday, November 10, 2016

A divided nation

On November 8, 2016, America voted.

On November 9, 2016, the results came out, and Trump was announced as President-elect.

Even before America took to the polls, there was already division within the country. Even as the two sides debated, attacking each other instead talking about their plans for America. It was an ugly period of campaigning.

Yes, make America great again. That is easy to say, that is easy to understand. But how will Trump go about doing it? Has anyone heard his actual plans to bring jobs back to the US?

And now that the results are out... America remains divided. People have taken to the streets, demonstrating against Trump as President-elect. In my short life, I do not remember seeing demonstrations after the results of the presidential elections in the past.

I just hope that things cool down soon. Because crowds, angry crowds, can soon clash with each other. Small sparks can become big fires. And I don't think we want civil war in the US.

May cooler heads prevail.

1 comment:

  1. I was a freshman at Berkeley in 1972 when Nixon was re-elected and on election nite/next day, many Berkeley businesses were ransacked and Bank of America was set on fire. So it is not the first time. However this was when the Vietnam War was still happening, and the anti-government sentiment was quite strong..
