Thursday, December 10, 2015

One week to Star Wars 7

They say it is the most anticipated movie of the year.

Well, with 6 episodes before this, spanning more than 30 years, and a uncountable number of fans... what can you expect? Especially when the story was made to appeal to young boys (and as no boy really grows up, that means about half the human population...), the year-end holiday season might just as well start next week.

A lot of questions... who are all these characters? How are they related to past characters? And for hardcore fans... how far is Disney moving away from the established Star Wars universe? After all, the Star Wars story has been extended generations before and after what has been depicted in movies. So placing Star Wars 7 where it is (30 years after Star Wars 6) means something has already been established. But how much of that will Disney follow? Will there be any contradictions?

Will Star Wars 7 help Disney gain new Star Wars fans? Or lose old ones? Probably a mix of both, just how much.

Whatever it is, I am looking forward to watching it. Let's see if I can get seats for one of the first few screenings at the nearby cinema.

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