It is strange.
I left the navy, wanting to move on to another start in life. I am actually still very undecided on what to do for a living, but it probably will revolve around translation work, and teaching (English and/or taiji). Nothing fancy, make enough to make ends meet, enjoy the flowers while walking the road of life.
It seems like a strange idea to some people. They can't seem to get pass the "you mean you are not leaving so that you can make more money?"
People approach me with money-making ideas. Each of them think he has a great idea. I think so too. But I am not keen... because I am not in it for the pursuit of money. Yes, money is important; after all, this is a world in which you can't survive without money. And I am not going to be translating or teaching for free too, I do hope to earn money while doing those.
But I am not after earning lots of money, then retiring to a beach. No, that's not my dream, that's not my goal. But then, maybe, I think, maybe, it has to do with the way things are in Singapore. Our system here is such that you can't retire if you don't have money. Maybe that is why the average Singapore is more into the pursuit of money, than the pursuit of dreams. After all, pursuing dreams isn't going to keep you from starving here, not with the cost of living here.
Some movie said it, something along the line of, "We (mainland Chinese) pursue work so that we can pursue our dreams. You (Singaporeans) give up your dreams so that you can pursue work. (我们为了追求梦想而工作,你们为了工作而放弃梦想。)" Why do we work for money, when we should get money to work for us (to realise our dreams)?
I left the navy, wanting to move on to another start in life. I am actually still very undecided on what to do for a living, but it probably will revolve around translation work, and teaching (English and/or taiji). Nothing fancy, make enough to make ends meet, enjoy the flowers while walking the road of life.
It seems like a strange idea to some people. They can't seem to get pass the "you mean you are not leaving so that you can make more money?"
People approach me with money-making ideas. Each of them think he has a great idea. I think so too. But I am not keen... because I am not in it for the pursuit of money. Yes, money is important; after all, this is a world in which you can't survive without money. And I am not going to be translating or teaching for free too, I do hope to earn money while doing those.
But I am not after earning lots of money, then retiring to a beach. No, that's not my dream, that's not my goal. But then, maybe, I think, maybe, it has to do with the way things are in Singapore. Our system here is such that you can't retire if you don't have money. Maybe that is why the average Singapore is more into the pursuit of money, than the pursuit of dreams. After all, pursuing dreams isn't going to keep you from starving here, not with the cost of living here.
Some movie said it, something along the line of, "We (mainland Chinese) pursue work so that we can pursue our dreams. You (Singaporeans) give up your dreams so that you can pursue work. (我们为了追求梦想而工作,你们为了工作而放弃梦想。)" Why do we work for money, when we should get money to work for us (to realise our dreams)?
I was amazed to read your article !!