Monday, January 05, 2015

Winter break 2014

Just got back from my winter break, which was spent in Japan.

It was a working holiday... with time spent cleaning my in-laws place, looking after the kids (mine and my sister-in-law's) and practising calligraphy.

But I got great views of Mount Fuji from my in-law's place.

And great food... high quality wagyu at the nearby yakiniku restaurant.

Also paid a visit to the nearby temple (Kashima Shrine) right after midnight on New Year's Day. We usually go in the afternoon, but this year, made the effort to go in the freezing weather at right after midnight.

And the usual visit to another temple, Kawasaki Taishi. To pray for a good year ahead, and to eat the good food sold by the street stalls there.

And guess what? It snowed on New Year's Day in Yokohoma! First time in 17 years that I have seen it snow in Yokohoma on 1 January.

Here's me redoing the rice paper screens.

Washing the sliding doors (in freezing cold weather...)

Bringing the kids out for lunch and a movie (while their mothers are out with friends).

What better way to spend the holidays?

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