Sunday, March 16, 2014

LEGO Star Wars TIE Fighter set

After all the fun with the X-Wing starfighter, we finally got the LEGO Star Wars TIE Fighter (set 9492), which is the "sister" set. Although the two sets cost the same, the TIE Fighter has less pieces, and is actually easier to build. My son was able to build the set all by himself, unlike when he was building the X-Wing. All in all, it took slightly more than an hour to put together this set.

Besides the pilot, this set comes with an Imperial officer (the gray guy), a Death Star trooper, and R5-J5 (the black droid). Now we are all set to play out the epic battle between X-Wing and TIE Fighter.

Before we got the set, we made a small one out of LEGO blocks too. I guess it is time to retire this little guy and recycle his parts for something else.

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