Sunday, January 19, 2014

Winter vacation 2013: USA trip

For the winter break in 2013, we flew over to the USA, visiting Legoland California (which we missed in 2010), spending Christmas with friends and touring Virginia City.

It was too short a trip.

1220 miles travelled on this Nissan Pathfinder, which we rented when we got to Los Angeles. Actual distance travelled was longer since my friend drove us around on Day 6.

Day 1: Arrived at Los Angeles. Drove down to Carlsbad, where we stayed overnight.

Day 2: Legoland California!

Day 3: Spent more than 12 hours on the road getting from Carlsbad to Sacramento on the I-5. All because of the truck traffic going through Tejon Pass. We started in the morning from Carlsbad, but by the time we made it through Tejon Pass, it was in the late afternoon. We ended up driving the rest of the way up to Sacramento mostly at night.

Day 4: Christmas Eve. A quick trip to the mall, before hitting the road, going east on the US Route 50 to get to our friends' place.

Day 5: Christmas with friends.

Day 6: Touring Virginia City, passing through Carson City, Reno and Lake Tahoe along the way there.

Day 7: Down the US Route 395, spending almost 8 hours on the road before we reached Los Angeles. Dropped by my cousin's place to say hi before spending the night at a hotel near the airport.

Day 8: Good bye USA!

Here's one of the lakes that we passed by while driving on the US Route 395. Think it is Mono Lake.

It won't be an over exaggeration to say that this is a Lego trip... we visited Legoland, we bought Lego at Legoland, we bought Lego at Sacramento, my cousin gave the kid Lego too! And he even had a Lego Christmas present waiting for him back home...

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