Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Varying heights

Over the past few months, I had been visiting the medical services for various reasons, and they have been taking my height and weight each time. When my weight varies, that's not really a problem since I do grow a bit around the waist every once in a while, which goes back down when I exercise a bit more or eat a bit more salad.

But my height... that has been the one that I found a bit funny. I am past puberty, so I should not be growing, and it is a bit too early to be shrinking, but my height has been varying. I used to think I am 1.78m tall, but once, my height was measured as 1.82m. Wow, 4cm growth... Then, after a few months, it dropped to 1.78m. And then, today, 1.80m.

Height range now is 1.78m to 1.82m, a 4cm range. I wonder when this "variance" will stabilise...

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