Wednesday, September 04, 2013

That Girl In Pinafore 我的朋友, 我的同学, 我爱过的一切 (movie)

It is not often that I watch a movie and come back straight away wanting to write about it. But today, after watching "That Girl In Pinafore" (Chinese title "我的朋友, 我的同学, 我爱过的一切"), that was just how I felt.

I didn't really want to watch the movie while it was airing in the theatres, but since my friend is the assistant director, and I have been hearing good reviews, I thought, why not? So I went alone to the cinema on a Wednesday night, walked into a theatre that was filled to the brim (even though the movie has already been showing for more than a month) and totally enjoyed the movie.

The song selection was great; they brought back lots of memories. These were popular songs back in my school days; the movie setting was around the time when I was schooling. The various scenes brought back fond memories. And even brought tears to my eyes. The first part of the show was more on songs and was really enjoyable. The second part was more on a love story, which kind of detracted a bit from the song focus of the show, but it was a love story that kind of fit into the period in which the movie is set in. Especially if you had been in school during that period (1990s in Singapore). All the more you will be able to find a sense of affinity to the characters and their stories.

I also like the way some parts were left unsaid. By leaving things unsaid, things are left to the viewer's imagination, for him to drawn on his own experiences and memories. This brings the viewer closer to the characters on screen, striking chords in his heart.

This is a show that needs to be watched on the big screen. Even if you have a great sound system at home, you can't watch this on a TV. A TV is not big enough to bring out the impact of the show, you need a big screen for that.

Go catch it on a big screen!

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