Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Times have changed

Just for laughs, but I can't help but want to share this.
Nowadays, when we have a new junior officer (JO) come in, the executive officer (XO) would usually talk to him like this:

JO: Hi sir.
XO: Hello . Have your been making meaningful progress in your learning? Are the rest of the officers and crew treating you well? Are you getting used to the life onboard? ... (and the questions go on and on...)

In the past, the same situation would likely be:

JO: Hi sir.
XO: Hi your head, you think I am your friend? BMT never taught you how to greet officer is it? Cannot even greet people correctly, go take X (where X can be any number up to 7).

The next day...
JO: Morning sir!
XO: Of course morning lah! If not evening meh? You think I cannot see it is morning ah? Think I stupid? Go take X.
JO: ...

The next day...
JO: Good morning sir!
XO: What good is there to this morning? The morning so good meh? So hot walk here already sweat so much. You think it is good, you go and jog in this weather now lah.
JO: ...
XO: What you waiting for? Change into PT kit and go and run!

The next day...
JO: Good day sir!
XO: What good day? How you know it is going to be a good day? You prophet? See you already bad start to the day, what good day is there? Spoil my day.
JO: ...
XO: Dumb already? Cannot say anything? I thought you prophet? Now nothing to say?

Those were the "good" old days...

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