Sunday, July 14, 2013

Remembering our dreams

All of us have dreams, if we work hard enough, our dreams will come true.

How many of us remember our childhood dreams? How many are still working on those dreams? How many are living different dreams? How many have fulfilled their dreams?

And not just about ourselves. What about our dreams for Singapore? What were our dreams for our Singapore? Have we been making progress towards fulfilling those dreams? Have the dreams changed?

Do we still share the Singapore dream?

The video below was aired in 1990, although the song was first written a few years before that. I still remember the video, and seeing it again brings back many memories, of childhood dreams, of schooling days, of inspiring teachers. It brings tears to my eyes.

Count On Me Singapore

We have a vision for tomorrow, just believe, just believe
We have a goal for Singapore, we can achieve, we can achieve
You and me, we'll do our part, stand together, heart to heart
We're going to show the world what Singapore can be
We can achieve, we can achieve

There is something down the road that we can strive for
We are told no dream's too bold that we can't try for
There's a spirit in the air, it's a feeling we all share
We're going to build a better life, for you and me
We can achieve, we can achieve

Count on me Singapore, count on me to give my best and more
You and me, we'll do our part, stand together, heart to heart
We're going to show the world what Singapore can be
We can achieve, we can achieve

Count on me Singapore, Count on me Singapore
Count on me to give my best and more, count on me Singapore

( Repeat Chorus )

Together Singapore Singapore ( X 2 )

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