Monday, July 29, 2013

NDP 2013 Rehearsal

Last weekend, after visiting the Art Science Museum to see the "Mummy: Secrets of the Tomb" exhibition, we were also able to observe part of this year's National Day Parade rehearsal.

It may just be a rehearsal, but was there a crowd! Not just at the grandstand of the floating platform where the parade was, but also the bridge link to Marina Bay Sands and the area around the Marina Bay reservoir.

While we couldn't see what was happening on the floating platform itself, we were able to see other aspects of the rehearsal. Like the Red Lions parachuting down.

The spectacular display by the navy's and coast guard's boats.

It is quite innovative, but we put the artillery on barges and made them practise the 21-gun salute floating on the water.

I have seen the national flag being flown on the helicopter a few times, from various angles (the most recent one before this being from seaward...) but this is the first time I got to see it up close.

And we saw the bomb burst by the Black Knights over the iconic Marina Bay Sands.

And the F-15s treated us to a sonic boom.

At the end of it, as we were walking away, my son started crying. When asked what's wrong, he said he was very touched. Very touched by the display, and now he understands what Singapore's birthday is about.

Wow! Talk about the success of national education.

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