Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ah Boys to Men 1 and 2

Finally, months after they have been released, I have managed to watch "Ah Boys to Men" and "Ah Boys to Men 2".

This is actually a single movie, shown in two parts. It is about a journey that every Singaporean son goes through, that of basic military training. It is a show close to heart, because of the common experiences about basic military training that it touches on. The shaving of heads, the bunk inspection, field camp, road march, rites such as rifle presentation, foot drills, and the moment when all these end - the passing out parade.

The initial part of the movie is also heart wrenching, when it shows what happens if we ever get attacked. It is the reason why we all train. The rest of the movie is actually about how young boys grow up together into men. It is interspersed with stories of how basic military training used to be like. My own experience was somewhere in between; not like what it is now, but not as unreasonable as the "flashbacks".

In the end, it is about what motivates us. Why do we serve? It is about love for one's family, for one's country.

This is a movie that Singaporean males who have been through national service will understand. For those who do not have these experiences, it may be harder to understand the jokes, the stories, but it is still an enjoyable movie.

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