Friday, June 07, 2013

The fundamentals are the same, but style can be different

This came up at work today, and subsequently, when I was pushing hands. Both seem to be the same thing to me: the fundamentals of what we do are the same, but how we apply those fundamentals depend on our preferred style.

Our preferred style stems from our personality, our experiences (what worked for us in the past, what didn't work), our own understanding of the fundamentals, our perception/assessment of the situation (what the opponent is trying to do, what we can/cannot do). Our style is very subjective; it is a manifestation of the person. Some people's style is more aggressive, preferring to take the initiative and drive things along. Some people are more passive, preferring to wait and see, to respond as things happen. There is no right or wrong; as long as the objective is achieved, the style does not matter.

What remains unchanged are the fundamentals. What are the questions that you ask yourself? What are you watching for? What are you concerned with? Have you formulated your options? What are you trying to achieve? How are you going to achieve that?

Get the fundamentals right. Because style is useless without the fundamentals.

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