Sunday, May 05, 2013

Towards BMI 20

My previous post talks about my six pack in a barrel. So I have decided to do something about it, although age is a big barrier. The older one gets, the harder it seems to lose that flab.

So here's the regime. Eat less carbohydrates, which means less rice during mealtimes. Breakfast is salad, it fills the stomach for a while until lunch. And helps the bowels. Cut down on snacking; it helps that the snacks in the office now is a lot less accessible. Plus, every morning and night, I do 50 "leg-raise+crunches", to try and bring the six pack out of the barrel. It is still a barrel, but less flabby now. On top of all that, the usual taiji routine (pushing hands twice a week, taiji routine practice also twice a week) is still there. I think I will also try to increase the frequency of my morning "15min taiji warmup".

The goal: BMI 20. More importantly, stay healthy, look healthy.

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