Sunday, May 19, 2013

Destiny's path: inevitable or a choice?

I see the path ahead, but I dare not step. Nothing knowing where it will lead me, the uncertainty, the fear of loss, the fear of not being accepted. Yet every time I walk away, somehow, I end up back on this path.

Is this really the path for me?

Do I really have such a difficult road in front of me?

Is there another road that I can take? Or will it lead back here anyway? Just like the other times, when I tried to take another road, and still ended back here?

If you keep ending up on the same path, does that mean the path is for you to travel? That you must walk down that path? Does it mean I will keep coming back? Or maybe, just once, will walking away lead to something that doesn't lead back?

Will the path lead me to my dragon? And when I am faced with my dragon, will I slay it? Or will it consume me?

Am I destined to walk this path alone? Or will I be fortunate to have someone walk it with me? And at the end of the path, will I still end up alone, or will we still be walking together?

Do I have the courage to find out?

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