Saturday, March 16, 2013

Flight (the 2012 movie)

"Flight" is a film about facing up to oneself. It is about having the courage to admit to what one really is, and to have the strength to change if need be.

An addict finds it hard to kick the habit; that's why he continues the habit. It takes courage to admit that one is an addict, that the habit is detrimental to oneself. It then takes strength to effect that change, to kick that habit.

That's what the main character in this movie is. He is a hero, an ace; he saved lives. But he is also an alcoholic and drug addict. He could have continued to bask in his hero glory and lived his decadent lifestyle, but he found the courage to face up to this addiction, even though it meant the end of his career.

What he did takes a lot of courage and moral strength.

Do I have that same courage and moral strength to face up to myself and what I am?

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