Thursday, January 17, 2013

Forging Men of Steel

I see the light,
But how to make you see?
That simple path,
Out of the woods we are in.

Are the standards not clear?
Or the requirements obscure?
Must I really be the terror,
To hold you all together?
Must I pull out the cane,
For you to learn through pain?
Must the fire be lit?
Must the forest burn?
Must all be lost,
Before we can learn?

Let the occupation begin,
For the Black Knight has come.
The beatings shall continue,
The screams fill the halls.
All shall suffer,
Until as one we walk free.
Forged in the fires of Hell,
Tempered by the Abyss.
Men of character,
Leaders supreme,
Living up to their name,
Surpassing all always.

* I know it doesn't really rhyme, but this is an echo of my thoughts as I sit here now, unable to sleep, because of all these things that keep my mind occupied. The second part reads:

When you emerge from the woods,
Emerge from the darkness,
Free from oblivion,
Free from despair.
Will you remember me,
The smith of men?
Who from lumps of metal,
Forged men of steel.
Or will I just be,
The painful terror?
Best forgotten,
Never remembered?

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