Sunday, September 02, 2012

Singtel customer service... the lack of it

Yesterday, I decided to get a new phone from Singtel, via their online shop, Singtelshop. After choosing the phone and other details, I chose the delivery date for today in the morning. However, the deliveryman never showed up. After calling Singtel to ask, I was told that they would get back to me. An hour later, they called back, telling me that they usually don't deliver on Sundays. It got me wondering, if you don't deliver on Sundays, why even have it as an option? And I even got 2 SMSs (one yesterday, the other this morning) reminding me that Singtel will be delivering my phone to me today.

Well, the guy on the phone offered to help me check if they could deliver the phone to me tomorrow, but he needed some time to check and thus would call me back. After waiting 5 hours, nothing. So I called back Singtel, and they told me they do not have any records of my earlier call. Wow! Talk about records... if Singtel can't even keep a proper record of my calls to them, how can I even be sure they are keeping proper records of anything else?

1. If Singtel does not deliver on Sundays, then why does their online shop allows customers to select Sundays for delivery? This shows that the website is not well designed, an obvious failing for an organisation as large as Singtel.
2. My first call to Singtel was not properly logged. Thus, when I called in again, I had to explain my case again. This was a waste of time for me, and added to my frustration. If Singtel really values its customers, it would not put its customers through such anguish.
3. Also, if Singtel cannot keep proper records of such simple issues, how can we, the customers, be assured that it is keeping the important records properly? Such poor record-keeping obviously undermines customer confidence in Singtel.
4. The deal was to deliver today. Singtel didn't keep to that promise. What other promises are Singtel not keeping?
5. Singtel doesn't deliver on Sundays (so I was told by the guy handling my call). In that case, it means that Singtel over-promised. It promised to do something that it cannot deliver. What else is Singtel over-promising?

So if you are thinking about signing up anything new with Singtel, take a look at the above before you make that decision.

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