Sunday, June 24, 2012

Learning from classics

The world is ever changing, so some would ask, "What can we learn from the study of the classics?" Classical works dating from ancient China and ancient Greece might have been appropriate for their times, but how relevant are they in today's world? After all, the ancient world did not have computers, the Internet, the United Nations, electricity, modern transportation, etc.

Yet I believe there can be things that we can continue to learn from the classics. After all, human nature has not changed. While technology may be advanced over the last two millenia, things dealing with human nature and the dealings between human beings (such as social sciences) are still as relevant today as they were two thousand years ago. That is probably why we still continue to study the classical Greek works by Plato and Socrates, why the thoughts of Sun-tzu, Confucius and Lao-tzu are still being studied today.

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