Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Getting money for the job

When given a problem to solve, there are two ways to go about it:
1. Find out what you need to solve the problem, keep asking for those resources (the money...) until you get it.
2. Find out what you resources you can get, then work within those resources to solve the problem.

Option 1 sounds to me like someone who is really serious about solving the problem, and thus he keeps trying to make sure he has everything he needs to solve the problem. He wants to make sure he does a proper job of solving the problem.

Option 2 sounds to me like someone who just wants to solve the problem... get the boss off his back. It may seem like a solution at first, but it probably won't hold in the long run...but then, the guy is no longer around to be blamed. Problem is then passed to the next guy.

So, are you serious about it? Or are you just buying time? Do you get what you need to solve the problem? Or work within your means to solve the problem? Do you take the difficult way, or choose the easy way out?

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