Friday, April 13, 2012

Don't make it a chore

Sometimes, when we have lots to do, we end up demanding less. We are happy just to finish the tasks, we no longer push ourselves to do each task to the best of our abilities. This is understandable; it is human nature. Yet, it deprives each task of its meaning, its purpose. We do each task for a purpose, yet when we do each task just to complete it, it then becomes a chore. Something that just needs to be done.

When our tasks become chores, people lose their sense of purpose, they do not see meaning in the tasks they do. The tasks they do may have great purpose and meaning, but the people doing them no longer see these. The end (being able to complete the chores) becomes the aim.

Thus, when we are busy because we have our hands full, all the more we need to demand that the work we do is of high standards, all the more we must demand of ourselves to deliver the best that we can. A compromise does not lessen the workload; it only lessens the purpose and meaning.

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