Monday, April 02, 2012

China's rise and Japan's remilitarisation

Two books that I recently read for a broad understanding about the rise of China and Japan's remilitarisation. Both are good introductions to their central themes.

Trapped Giant: China's Troubled Military Rise (Adelphi series)
This is about the recent rise of China, both economically and militarily, and the implications it holds for the Asia-Pacific region. It talks about US relations with China, and how other countries in the region, particularly India, Japan, Russia and Vietnam, are building up their military as a counterbalance to China's military build-up.

Japan's Remilitarisation (Adelphi series)
The last two decades have seen Japan sending her military beyond her borders, and she is now more proactive in her military deployments. This book talks about the changes in Japan's defence policy, especially given the nuclear and missile threat from North Korea, as well as the military rise of China. It also uses opinion polls to show that the Japanese people are growing less anti-militaristic.

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