Friday, November 04, 2011

Meditation at Houkokuji

Two weeks ago, I attended a zen meditation (座禅, pronounced as zazen) session at Houkokuji (報国寺) in Kamakura (鎌倉), the seat of the Kamakura Shogunate. It was a trial session for people to experience what zen meditation is like. It was tough work... my legs went from numb to pain after seating cross-legged for 30 minutes, and when the priest told us that 30 minutes is only the first session and we will be doing another 30 minutes for the second session, my heart sank. But I managed to survive the trial session, though it is unlikely that I will ever do this again.

The view at the temple was beautiful, though. There is a small bamboo grove behind the temple, with tall bamboo trees.

And here's one of the temple's inhabitants.

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