Wednesday, October 05, 2011

National Museum of Japanese History

Some time back, I visited the National Museum of Japanese History (国立歴史民俗博物館) in Sakura (佐倉) city of Chiba prefecture.

It is a very big museum, dealing with the history of Japan from primitive times till modern days. It starts with a gallery on ancient Japan, from Jomon to Yayoi to the Nara period. Then the medieval times from Kamakura till Warring States period. There was a gallery on Edo period, and that was followed by modern Japan starting from the Meiji Restoration till today.

It was very big, so big that it took quite a while to go through the galleries, and even then, I was doing so at breakneck speed. To fully appreciate the museum, you will probably need to spend 5 hours here, 1 hour for each of the 5 galleries. So if you are planning a trip there, it is going to be a full-day affair. But it will be very worth it, since you will be able to learn all the important parts of Japanese history with this one visit.

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