Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Summer vacation 2011 - Oozu

Our next stop on the trip was Oozu (大洲), which was a short drive from Dougo Onsen. Okay, not that short a drive, but still short comparing to where we were going after that. The original plan was to drive from Dougo Onsen to Ashizuri Misaki (足摺岬) and then to Kochi (where we were spending the night) but it was too long a drive to be accomplished in one day, so we gave up the idea, and instead decided to go straight from Dougo Onsen to Kochi, stopping by Oozu along the way.

Our first stop at Oozu was Garyu Sansou (臥龍山荘), a beautiful retreat built during the Edo period. The rooms were beautifully decorated and created to give a sense of the seasons, and the garden was beautifully created.

There was even a natural fridge dug into the cliff.

The next stop at Oozu was of course the castle itself. Oozu Castle was rebuilt in 2004 based on old photographs.

And here is the little ninja wannabe, trying to scale the castle walls...

And he doesn't give up, here he is again climbing up the steep stairs inside the castle.

This postbox in Oozu is famous for being the one used in the filming of "Tokyo Love Story".

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