Friday, August 12, 2011

Summer vacation 2011 - Kotohira

After passing through Ooboke and Koboke, we finally arrived at Kotohira (琴平), where we were to spend the night. Kotohira is a hot spring town centred around Konpira Shrine (金刀比羅宮). We got there in the evening so the streets were quite quiet by then.

We had a great dinner that night, staying at an old hotel with a rooftop open-air hot bath. It was a bit windy that night so it was a bit difficult to enjoy the hot bath up on the rooftop.

Konpira Shrine has 1368 steps before reaching the inner shrine... with a two and a half year old kid, it was a challenge that I wasn't going to take (imagine having to carry him up and down the 1368 steps if he doesn't want to walk...) Instead, we went to Zentsuji (善通寺) which was actually just nearby. Zentsuji is the birthplace of Kukai (空海), who is the founder of the Shingon (真言) school of Buddhism in Japan.

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