Monday, August 08, 2011

Summer vacation 2011 - Hagi

Our hosts brought us to Hagi, a place famous for producing prime ministers as well as many of the brains of the Meiji Restoration. While Hagi Castle is no more, there are still remnants of the castle, such as this portion of the north gate.

Hagi also has many buildings built during the Edo and Meiji periods.

These old houses have beautiful gardens.

One of the figures of the Meiji Restoration is Takasugi Shinsaku, and he is still remembered today with his statue here.

Another figure of the Meiji Restoration was Kido Takayoshi, and we visited his old house.

It is amazing that this small town produced many prominent figures... back not so if you know why. Yoshida Shoin set up his school, Shoka Sonjuku, in Hagi and taught many of these prominent figures. Today, the school is part of a larger shrine dedicated to Yoshida Shoin.

The remains of Shoka Sonjuku.

The Shoin Shrine, dedicated to Yoshida Shoin.

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