Friday, March 04, 2011

Some miscellaneous quotes

A collection of miscellaneous quotes (whether my own, or picked up from somewhere) that I jotted down back when I was in school many years ago.
"The one thing in this world that money cannot buy is 'true' - true thoughts, true feelings, true love, true happiness, true courage, etc. All those things that come from the heart."

"When in command, command."

"It is not only the ending point that counts. The journey towards getting there is also as important."

"Life is the scent of the flowers by the road, the sound of children laughing at the playground, the chips of the birds, the whisper of the wind, the pitter-patter of the raindrops, a good book, a call from a friend, a smile, a hug, a couple holding hands, a drive in the countryside. All the little things in life, eventually adds up."

"No man is perfect, but no one ever said we cannot try."

"Fresh air is not hard to find. It is people who appreciate it that are."

"A road that is narrow and rough may be hard to walk, but if we can follow it till the end, and reach our destination, we will come to earn a pride in walking that road."

"In following a set of rules/principles, we show integrity. And in recognition of our integrity, we earn honour. And with honour, comes the pride we have in ourselves."

"One hour of laze today and two hours of work tomorrow only makes a lazy person."

"Work which can be done today, should be done today. Work which can be done tomorrow, should be done today too if possible. Work which could have been done yesterday, should have been done."

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