Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Japan trip Oct 2010

I was in Japan (Tokyo, to be exact) in Oct 2010 for work, but there was a bit of sightseeing as well.

I managed to visit the Imperial Palace at Tokyo.

Here's the place where the Imperial family usually give their New Year's greetings.

There was also a visit to Sensoji (浅草寺), and I was privileged to be able to see the art collection housed here. A lot of ema (絵馬) are housed here, and this is one of the more famous ones.

The exhibit hall has a statue of the Goddess of Mercy as well.

To round it all up, I also got the chance to visit Nikko's Toshogu (日光東照宮) where Tokogawa Ieyasu is buried. This is the path leading up to the temple.

The entrance itself.

The famous Three Wise Monkeys - see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

Tokugawa Ieyasu's tomb.

It was a short trip, revisiting places that I have been to before, but still, meaningful because of the people who went along with me. Plus each time I go, I learn a little more about these places.

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