Can we ever justify war? For war is against our moral values. We have been taught that killing is wrong, that "thou shalt not kill". Yet in war, the one thing that we have to do is to kill the enemy.
How can we say that we are morally right, that we are fighting for our moral values, if we are instead going against them?
We can. We have to tell ourselves that, we are fighting the war for a moral value that we hold in high regard. "Thou shalt not kill", but if by not killing more will die at the hands of the enemy, do we still hold back our swords? Do we not instead fight against the enemy to protect the lives of others?
War is something that is totally against our conscience, against our will. We must realise that war is not a solution, it is the last resort. Before we even get to the stage of war, we must try our very best to stop it from happening. We must use diplomacy, negotiations, anything that does not compromise our stand, to solve the problem, the conflict on hand.
Only when that is not possible, do we resort to war.
And when war starts, we must tell ourselves that we have to fight hard and well, to stop the enemy fast, so that the least number of lives will be lost. We cannot hold back. By holding back, we only prolong the war and allow more to be killed.
Still, the question is : can we justify war?
No, we can never justify war, but we can justify our actions during war. We have to tell ourselves that what we do during war is so that the least number of lives will be lost, that by our actions we are helping to end the war earlier.
How can we say that we are morally right, that we are fighting for our moral values, if we are instead going against them?
We can. We have to tell ourselves that, we are fighting the war for a moral value that we hold in high regard. "Thou shalt not kill", but if by not killing more will die at the hands of the enemy, do we still hold back our swords? Do we not instead fight against the enemy to protect the lives of others?
War is something that is totally against our conscience, against our will. We must realise that war is not a solution, it is the last resort. Before we even get to the stage of war, we must try our very best to stop it from happening. We must use diplomacy, negotiations, anything that does not compromise our stand, to solve the problem, the conflict on hand.
Only when that is not possible, do we resort to war.
And when war starts, we must tell ourselves that we have to fight hard and well, to stop the enemy fast, so that the least number of lives will be lost. We cannot hold back. By holding back, we only prolong the war and allow more to be killed.
Still, the question is : can we justify war?
No, we can never justify war, but we can justify our actions during war. We have to tell ourselves that what we do during war is so that the least number of lives will be lost, that by our actions we are helping to end the war earlier.