Saturday, December 04, 2010

Amazon Kindle 3

After hearing about the Amazon Kindle 3 from my colleague, and reading about it on the Internet, I decided that it was the e-book reader for me, and went ahead to get one for myself.

My interest with e-book readers came about because I am going to have to move soon, and having a lot of books is bogging me down. Yet I cannot bear to part with my books. So I have decided that the best way is to keep my books in digital format, while keeping the paper versions of those books that I really want to keep.

So now, I am trying to find digital versions of books that I have, so that I can part with the paper versions...

By the way, for those interested to get themselves the Kindle in Singapore, please read the following:
Jeff's Blog on Amazon Kindle 3
A forum for e-book readers in general
I would advice using Borderlinx... I used VPOST and regretted it. It took almost 11 days from the time I ordered my Kindle before it finally arrived in Singapore... and that was after choosing 2-day delivery from Amazon. Amazon delivered as promised, the choke point was VPOST.

Do note that Amazon Kindle content is not supported in Singapore, so do follow the instructions in Jeff's Blog above. There are two versions, the WiFi only version, and the version that has both WiFi and 3G. If you are a frequent traveller, I would suggest getting the 3G version, else the WiFi version would suffice.

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