Thursday, August 12, 2010

Move as a team

Why do we succeed when we move as a team and fail when we don't?

I was thinking about this when I thought about how an army unit moves in its final charge. The final charge is a dangerous event, since it exposes the whole unit to enemy fire. Yet it is effective. When the order to charge is given, people leave cover and move as a whole front towards the enemy. The enemy now has a choice. Try and shoot one of them (and thus expose himself to being shot by many when he tries to take that shot) or stay low and stay under cover. By presenting many targets to the enemy, he ends up not being able to take that shot. If the order to charge is given and yet only a few heed that order, the enemy is free to shoot these few, knowing that he will only be shot at by a few as he takes his shots.

So when you move as a team, you can overcome great odds. When you try to succeed as individuals, you expose yourself to greater danger.

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