Have you been there yet?
We managed to squeeze in a visit under the hot weather to see what the open house is all about. The weather was hot hot hot, but good thing the display tents are air-conditioned.
At the open house, you will find ships on display, which you can actually go onboard and walk around to see the inside (and not just look from outside). In fact, one of the frigates, RSS STEADFAST, offers guided tours (but you must ballot for it). Talk about balloting, you can ballot for rides onboard navy ships too. The missile corvettes, patrol vessels and mine countermeasure vessels offers a short cruise outside of Changi Naval Base, tickets available via balloting at the information booth. So if you have never sailed onboard a navy ship, this is the chance to do so!
The display tents showcase what the navy does on a day-to-day basis (naval operations), the people in the navy, and the navy's capabilities (aka ships and other assets like maritime patrol aircraft and unmanned surface vehicles).
Here's our budding next generation USV controller.
And here he is again, learning how to be the officer of the watch of a LST.
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