Saturday, March 27, 2010

Earth Hour 2010

This year's Earth Hour is on 27 Mar, at 8:30pm local time. I have written about it last year, and this year is no different. We didn't go out of the way to turn out the lights because it is something that we already do on a daily basis. The important thing is not to join the crowd in that one hour per year, but to make it a part of your life and practise it on a daily basis.

Turning out the lights but holding a concert seems to be contradictory... a concert does use up quite a bit of energy, with lights and sound. But I do know that the concert's aim is to gather attention, not save energy. Still, I just can't seem to accept using all that energy... but that's just me. Some would just enjoy the concert and not think too much about it.

JapanToday's report on Earth Hour

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