Just a follow up post from a previous one, in which I thought something might be brewing up for Sumiko Tan when her old crush reappeared in her life.
Well, in her article "New Year, New Start" published in The Sunday Times today (10 Jan 2010), it seems that she is pondering whether to take the leap of faith and enter a relationship again (and risk the heartaches, etc.) or to play it safe. Seems like the old crush has been making advances, and she is enjoying the attention.
And yup, she knows to watch the "post-Christmas breakup syndrome", which is why she is giving herself some time to see if it is just the lonely holiday season that is playing her up, or whether there is something there deeper down.
All the best, Sumiko Tan! Go, go, go!
PS. Can someone point me to a link of the article?
PPS. If I were her and a guy does all that for me (send me cake for birthday even though we are time zones apart), celebrate Christmas with me over Skype, and uses Skype to countdown to the new year together, I would take the leap of faith. But I am an easily satisfied person and a romantic.
Found someone who wrote a blog post about the same article here:
And a part of the article can be found here:
Found the article here: