Friday, December 11, 2009

First words... Not!

I woke up this morning, only to hear the baby making noises. All of a sudden, I heard him say, "Hi Daddy" (actually, it was more of like "hai dah dee"). But I know he wasn't saying "hi daddy" because:

1. English is unlikely to be his mother tongue, not with the amount of Japanese being used at home.
2. Even when I use English at home with the baby, I use "hello", not "hi".
3. I don't refer myself to him as "daddy", and neither does my wife.
4. 9-month old babies don't talk.

What does all these say? Well, it goes to show that what they say about putting a monkey with a typewriter can possibly be true, that a monkey typing randomly on a typewriter may eventually make a string of characters that is actually a proper sentence.

Me? I am happy just as long as he doesn't cry.

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