Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Top Gun (film)

The classic of all fighter pilot movies, Top Gun. The story is simple, short, and the movie is all about the aerial combat, which is what fighter pilot movies should all be about. After all, that's what fighter pilots do.

If you are looking for story, don't bother. Not in this movie.

What you will find in this movie is lots of aircraft, lots of flying, lots of action, designed to show the thrill of flying, the speed at which things take place up in the air. It may not be realistic (fighter aircraft don't fly so close to each other nowadays, not with the progress of missile technology) but realism doesn't always sell (unless you are talking about documentaries). It's a great movie to kill time, to see a young Tom Cruise, to see male bonding, to see competition between the best of the best, to see aircraft and aircraft up close.

Great soundtracks too. Danger Zone, Take My Breath Away, Mighty Wings, and of course, the Top Gun Anthem.

It's a movie that you just want to watch again and again, even though there isn't anything to it.

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