Friday, November 20, 2009

Parenting boot camp - Day 4

Day 4, and I survived yet another day.

The back is starting to feel the stress... it really is not joke carrying 12kg for stretches at a time. I strained my right wrist a while back (carrying the baby...) and now, both wrists are feeling the strain... I guess it probably will heal only after the baby starts walking.

The baby only goes to sleep when he is fed the bottle (if he is hungry) or by someone carrying him and rocking him to sleep (if he is not hungry). Most of the time, he is not hungry when he is sleepy... that explains all the carrying. I just hope I don't do any permanent damage to my back. My wife probably had it better, since she was taking care of the baby all the while, and her "physical conditioning" was a gradual buildup, rather than the "start with 12kg" for me.

He still cries in the middle of the night (at least that's what my wife says). I am oblivious to the cries... evolution has helped me to filter that sound out of my hearing system...

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