Saturday, October 17, 2009

On hawks

In a lazy circle above my head, I watched him fly,
The winds carrying him in the light blue sky.
Round and round, an endless flight,
Flying up there, mocking at my plight.
The poor me, trapped to this earth,
Confined to this land, my own turf.
Run as I might, I soon come to a fence,
Cooped up in this place, I feel so tense.
A screech I heard from the hawk above me,
A mocking laugh to me it seemed to be.
"Where can you go, fenced in on all sides?
Up here without fences, it is I who decide."
With envy I stared at the hawk above.
Freedom it possesses, freedom that I love.
But the hawk too, has the problem of freedom,
Where to go, in this vast big kingdom?

(There are many hawks in the surroundings of my campus when I was studying. They can often be found either gliding in the breeze in lazy circles or perched up high on the rooftops of buildings.)

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