Saturday, August 29, 2009

5 implausible things

I got tagged by shang lee, to write 5 implausible things (of which 4 are false but 1 is true). While I don't usually like these chain things, it does give me something to write about once in a while. So here goes.

1. I used to skydive when I was in Japan, but not anymore.
2. I used the cane to hit my brother when he was a baby.
3. I have a baby crocodile as a pet.
4. I own my own private jet which I use to fly around Southeast Asia.
5. I plucked off all the feathers from my grandfather's canary before.

That's five. I don't tag people in turn for this, but nothing is stopping you from writing five implausible things about yourself on your own blog and tagging others (but don't tag me, I have already written mine).

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