Sunday, April 12, 2009

The search goes on...

I am searching for an online game, a MMOG that has elements of RPG, some form of class/skill progression, with quests and not so much grinding, while allowing players to create their own stuff, with players that can help each other but does not require too much commitment.

Some candidates:
World of Warcraft - Quite a good game, only problem is that you have to pay to play. And with so many people online, spending hours each day, the casual player like me will have a hard time with guilds and thus never get my hands on the better equipment (since I end up soloing...)
Second Life - This is really a virtual world, where you can create anything you want... the game is great in terms of customisation, but it seems to lack an objective. You don't seem to be getting anywhere. Unless you really want to live life in a virtual world (I prefer working and strolling in the real one), this may not be that "escape from reality" that I am looking for in MMOGs...
PlaneShift - This is actually more like a MUD with 3D graphics when I first tried it out, but over the years, it seems to have improved and now actually looks more promising than before, with good graphics and normal choices of character creation options.
Entropia (Planet Calypso) - A sci-fi MMORPG that looks great, and seems promising in terms of gameplay as well. Yet to really try this out... the game download seems to take ages.
Anarchy Online - A MMORPG with free-to-play option, though the expansions may cost. Graphics looks good, gameplay seems promising, though it is a sci-fi setting and thus not my cup of tea (I prefer fantasy setting).
Perfect World - It seemed like a great game, some even said the graphics are better than WoW. But I don't think so. And after a while, it kind of gets boring. You can customise your avatar much like in Second Life, but beyond that, it doesn't really have much of a RPG aspect, and the quests involve grinding at the low levels, plus level advancement is slow. After a while, you don't seem to be going anywhere.
Rappelz - The graphics (from the screenshots) looks to be wonderful, and seems like an interesting game as well with the selection of races and classes. And a pet progression system as well to buff up the pets.
Runescape - Actually quite like this one, just for plain simple fun. But there isn't much of a storyline so it can become quite a bore trying to play this for long. The objective seems to be just to improve your own skills.
Rubies of Eventide - This looks promising, with a normal selection of races and skills to advance in. Graphics looks good as well.
Silkroad Online - Has an item mall, which means that players who pay will get an advantage. Graphics seems to be very promising, but limited selection of classes.
Tibia - 2D graphics... else it seems to be a good RPG game.

If you know any interesting free MMOG/MMORPGs to recommend, do feel free to let me know!

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