Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A trip to the zoo

My sister-in-law is in Singapore with her daughter to help out with the impending birth of my child. So we decided to make a weekend trip to the zoo last Saturday. It has been some time since my last visit to the zoo (maybe 5 years?) and it does bring back memories. The zoo has really changed since the time when I was young. My dad used to have projects at the zoo, so I would tag along sometimes to help him out with his work, while getting myself a free trip into the zoo. I vaguely remember helping him out with the komodo dragon and polar bear exhibits...

Anyway, I don't remember the elephants at the entrance, but here they are now.
I don't remember the otter statues as well... but they seem to bring smiles to the faces of kids. Here's the niece, smiling away.Here's us, trying to get the niece to walk. While she can walk on her own at home without shoes, it seems that she is still not used to walking with shoes on, and need help.Anyway, the trip to the zoo was a great experience! I got to bring the niece around, it was a great chance to learn what is in store for me once my own kid arrives. Having a kid around sure isn't an easy task, but the smile on her face (even though she is just my niece and not my own kid) sure makes it worthwhile.

There aren't any photos of the animals... because we were too busy taking care of the little one to be taking photos of the animals!

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