Sunday, February 08, 2009

Lion dance

I came back from my taiji class this morning only to be greeted by the noise of drums and cymbals. Guess what? There was a Chinese New Year celebration today at my estate, and lion dance was part of the celebrations.

Lion dance is not really something that I am crazy about, but last week, when I was visiting my wushu coach, he had a lion dance at his place as well. The noise level was HUGE! My friend's son was hiding behind him, afraid yet amazed by the loud drumming, so much so that he didn't really notice the dancing lion.

One thing that mars the lion dances this year. Apparently, there are some lion dance troupes that went around soliciting. In Singapore, that is not allowed. Lion dance troupes are only allowed to perform at residences and places that invited them. They are not supposed to go door-to-door asking if people want performances. A friend of mine was also complaining that last night, there was a lion dance troupe performing in his estate way past 10pm, which is downright inconsiderate, given the noise level. While we bask in the festive season, let's not forget that we need to continue to respect the needs of others.

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