Sunday, November 09, 2008


There was a time when teachers and parents believed in disciplining the kids, and enforced discipline in school and at home. The kids respected and even feared the teachers, for they know that if they cross the line, they will be dealt with.

Yet, in recent times, we have seen an erosion of discipline, allowing students to run amok in school and outside, and teachers being either unable or unwilling to enforce discipline. Teachers now no longer have the same respect from their students (generally) which is a very sad thing, since to me, I feel that teaching is a very noble profession. After all, what can be as important as educating the next generation?

But why did we lose focus on discipline?

There are some who think that enforcing discipline is stifling creativity, that discipline forces everyone into the same mold and implies conformity. I think these people should look beyond the letter of discipline, to look at the spirit of discipline. Discipline is about inculcating values. It is about making sure that people learn the right values, values that will see them through life by helping them make the difficult decisions in life. By taking away discipline, our kids now have lost the guiding beacon that steers them onto the right track when they step out of line. Our kids have lost the guiding beacon that brings them towards learning the right values for life.

Have we done a disservice to our kids, by depriving them of the tools that they need to succeed in life? Maybe parents and teachers should rethink how they see discipline, for the real benefit of their kids.

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