The story is set in the future, and starts by showing a scene of an Earth city, vaguely at first, until upon closer inspection, you see that the whole city is covered with trash. Besides empty skyscrapers, there are also skyscrapers made of junk. It is a scene of what "can be", if we allow it to happen.
Humans have long since left the trash-covered Earth, and now stay onboard spaceliners manned by robots and served their every needs by robots. With such a pampered lifestyle, they have grown fat and reliant on the robots. This is how we can become, if we choose to grow reliant on technology, if we allow technology to run our lives, rather than for technology to be an aid.
The super corporation B&L that runs this whole setup shows the danger of a central government that controls all and paints a picture for all to see, while hiding from the people certain aspects of life. This is a reminder of the wizard of Oz. While the government may provide for the needs of the people, the freedom to choose and act is what sets us apart from animals governed by instincts and needs. The scene in which a lady is jolted from her floating chair/screen shows us that there is a bigger world out there waiting for us to appreciate, if we are willing to look beyond what we are told or used to seeing.
Yes, so this is an animated film, but the themes behind it are definitely suitable for an adult audience, and is therefore a film that will benefit both young and old.
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